What is an environmental certification tool?
- It is a tool that measures the sustainability of a building, assessing its environmental, economical and social aspects.
- Ensures quality standards regarding the conduct of the building in areas such as energy consumption, water, comfort for its inhabitants, etc...
- It is a voluntary certification.
What does it develop?
Established Council de WGBC desde marzo de 2010
Aspects that it valuates:
12 impacts, relative to a reference building, are measured. They consist of:
- 1- Climate change.
- 2- Increased UV radiation at ground level.
- 3- Loss of fertility.
- 4- Loss of aquatic life.
- 5- Photo-oxidant substances emission.
- 6- Changes in biodiversity.
- 7- Exhaustion of non-renewable energy.
- 8- Exhaustion of non-renewable RESOURCES, different than primary energy.
- 9- Exhaustion of drinking water.
- 10- Production of non-hazardous waste.
- 11- Loss of health, comfort and quality for the users.
- 12- Risks and benefits to investors.
Standards evaluated:
- - VERDE provides an independent and objective assessment.
- - The developer and the designer of the building are aware of the impact that will produce.
- - The consideration of impacts is regionalized.
- - It is adapted to the current Spanish and European regulations.
- - It allows adaptation to regional and local needs.
From all this analysis and study results:
- - Absolute and relative quantification of impacts avoided.
- - Overall classification of the performance of the building.
- - VERDE leaves rating from 0 to 5.